Track & Compare My Fitness

Free Service for tracking your fitness outcomes on a variety of benchmarks and comparing yourself to others of same gender, similar age, height and more.

  1. Create your FREE account - its really easy! username, password and email that is all.
  2. Take one or more fitness benchmarks (we let you indicate whether it was estimated or measured) so you can get started right away with an estimate
  3. Go to the gym or wherever you workout and actually measure your performance on the benchmarks
  4. Come back to the, login and enter your actual performance
  5. Look at your reports - see how you compare to other people
  6. Set some improvement goals and step up your workout routine to help you meet them - maybe work with a personal trainer
  7. At least once a month retest yourself and enter the new results and look at your reports
  8. Enjoy the journey to better fitness